Spoiler! Season three
Spoilers för säsong 3!
- At the beginning of season 3 there will be a 6 months time-jump to Labor day. Also known as the anniversary of the discovery of Alisons body, but most important of course, it’s the one year anniversary of Ezria!
- Marlene King described an Ezria scene as “sizzling hot.” in 3×01. When asked to describe exactly how hot that is, she replied, “did you like the bathroom scene in the pilot?”. She also tweeted a snippet of a dialogue, which seem more and more like it’s about Ezria, don’t you think? “‘I thought we could recreate the date.’/’I wouldn’t call it a date. We ended the night in the bathroom.’”
- We will meet Ezra’s brother – will he approve of Ezria? Who knows!
- Ezra will have a really hard time getting a job after the couple went public in the season 2 finale.
- It won’t be all rainbows and unicorns for Aria either since she’s returning to school where everyone knows about her relationship with Ezra. Double that with the fact that her home situation is still very rocky, it won’t be all that easy for her.
- Byron and Ella is on very different pages when it comes to Ezrias relationship. Not hard to guess who’s disapproving the most, is it?
- Marlene King tweeted, “S3: Aria complies and is shocked to see Ezra standing on her porch.” (Thumbs up to Ezra for having the guts to appear at the Montgomery house!)
- Apparently Ezra will have a scene with Emily in 3×02. We wonder what that will be about, any thoughts?
Övriga relationer (Haleb, Spoby & singel Emily!)
- First, Marlene King has promised us two “spicy” love scenes in the premiere, and has also suggested that hotel sex will play a major role, because she’s fairly sure that “Hotel Sex” will trend on twitter during the premiere. But unfortunately we don’t know who it’ll be yet!
- Speaking of doing it, Marlene King has hinted very strongly that Spoby might be having sex this season and that we will see more of shirtless Toby – we’re not complaining!
- Haleb will apparently cook some Dong Po in the season premiere – whatever that means. But we do have a snippet of a dialogue from Marlene between the love birds ”‘I thought the point of cooking together was being together’/’It is and tonight I promise we’ll make a sizzling Dong Po.’” – we wonder if maybe this is one of the “spicy” love scenes?
- In addition to Haleb, producer Oliver Goldstick said that the couple definitely will face their share of challenges this season, but that Hanna won’t give up on Caleb. We will also meet Caleb’s mother, maybe that’s one of the challenges? Tyler Blackburn has been promoted to series regular on PLL, so we’re expecting a lot of action from this lovely couple!
- As to Emilys love-life, we don’t know much. However, we do know that she will be very drunk in the season premiere – possibly due to Maya’s death? But her death is not confirmed yet, so we can’t be sure. Other than that we know that Paige will be returning this season, but whether it’s as a friend or more than that is still unclear!
- Furthermore, E! reports that PLL has been casting a new character – perhaps a new love interest for one of the girls. He’s apparently a charming Hollis transfer, and an aspiring lawyer. So maybe it’s just the lawyer part the liars will need – that wouldn’t surprise anyone!
Mysterier i showen!
- Producer Oliver Goldstick says that Alisons murder is definitely still a mystery in season 3, which might hint that Garrett didn’t do it. We will, however, be seeing Garrett behind bars and he will have his day in court to tell his side of things.
- The former ‘A’ and possibly the current A-Team will be revealed this season.
- Mona will possibly be returning to Rosewood High after/while being treated for her serious issues, even though she probably belong behind bars (attempted murder etc). But the liars won’t be revealing everything that she has done, simply because they need more answers.
- There will be confrontations between former best friends Mona and Hanna (You go girl!)
- Marlene recently tweeted this cryptic Season 3 hint: “301 spoiler: Roses are red. Violets are blue. Mona sees Ali. Do you?” – So Mona sees Ali, interesting!
- Lucas will be back in season 3, but apparently he has quite a dark side.
- The identity of the girl in the Black Swan costume will be very shocking. (not much to go on, we know!) There will however be a new girl in season 3, maybe that’s her?
- We will get more info on the creepy NAT club.
Random Spoilers.
- Hanna and Toby will have a scene together in 3×06. They haven’t exactly been BFF’s so we wonder what that’s about!
- There will be a new location in season 3 called The Brew – apparently the first permanent set designed by Fred Andrews, the new Production Designer.
- Wren will be back in the season premiere! (Splendid!)
- Jason aka Spencer’s half brother will also be back during season 3.
- A fan asked Marlene King via Twitter, “Is melissa ever going to have her baby? s3?” Marlene responded, “Wait for it. Wait for it.” (We’re actually beginning to wonder if Melissa is pregnant at all. We wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t, something just doesn’t add up with her!)
- Holden will possibly also be back in season 3, and more of his story will be revealed.
